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Gita Beri Kapur - Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur

Mrs. Gita Beri Kapur

Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur
617 S. Olive Street
Suite 311

Los Angeles, CA 90014

About my firm.

Our immigration attorneys are experienced in immigration court and in front of the USCIS and ICE, so you can rest assured that you will have the best immigration representation you possibly can. Our Los Angeles immigration lawyers have a reputation for getting results in immigration court and with the USCIS. Our lawyers know how to present your case effectively to both the government attorney and the immigration judge.

At the Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur, our immigration attorneys take complex cases that other immigration lawyers are scared to undertake, especially immigration cases with criminal elements or novel legal arguments. While some immigration law firms stop pursuing cases at higher levels, we do not hesitate to litigate in federal appellate courts if necessary.